Archive for meditation

A Note on Meditation

Posted in Spiritually Yours- Maelyn with tags , , , on July 31, 2011 by Maelyn

Hello everyone, I’m Maelyn. Anaya has invited me as an occasional guest writer. Since meditation is one of the most basic metaphysical practices I thought I’d make a quick post about it.

Meditation is something that is used by different cultures all over the world and not always for the same goals, there are many different forms and meditative practices, but in my perspective, the goal of meditation is to center oneself. When we meditate we take our bodies into a deep state of relaxation and clear our minds of worry, stress, anger etc… When we achieve this state of relaxation our bodies become more open to the nonlinear (spirit) realm, after meditation I find that communications come to me more easily. Meditation can also give you a chance to realign your chi, or chakra if that’s your thing(here’s a link with an explanation of chakra if you are unfamiliar with the term ) There are hundreds of different meditation techniques, the trick is finding some that work for you, which may take a bit of research.

Two of my favorite techniques are..

  • to lay flat on my back and clear my mind, with my arms comfortable rested across my stomach then I start focusing on my breathing by inhaling for 2 counts, exhaling for 3, inhaling for 4, exhaling for 5, and so on until I reach twelve, then go back down, the twelve count should be on an inhale, so then you’d exhale for 11 counts, inhale for 10, exhale for 9 until I get back down to 2, repeating as needed until I’m relaxed.
  • The other is a little harder because it involves keeping your mind totally blank of all the thoughts that are normally bouncing around in our heads. The easiest way to do this at first is to think of a mental image, and put your entire focus on that image. I always liked to envision the flame of a candle in darkness, imagining how the flame dances and flickers, taking deep slow breathes the whole time. Another variation of this, if your familiar with energy working would be to focus on your energy and those around you rather than a mental image.

Spiritually yours,